Breakup; It’s Not Just Psychological
A new study suggests the psychological hurt of a break up is just as real as a physical injury.
Just by reading the topic, it may seem odd because the setback a person has to face from a break-up is psychological whereas the damage caused by injury is physical. It wasn’t until quite recently that the logic behind this study is clearly unveiled.
The study took place in the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) where the conductors of the study used an MRI to monitor brain activity of participants while they played a simulating social rejection. According to scientists, there are two areas of the brain that respond to physical pain. These parts become active when a person is struck by social or romantic pain, such as being deceived or dumped by someone he/she loves. It was also discovered that the brain deals with both physical and mental pains in almost the same way which is to release a natural painkiller.
The scientists collected OPRM1, a pain gene, from the 122 participants and then check how they reacted in different scenarios. Their research also showed that different people have different levels of sensitivity towards social rejection.
The scientists collected OPRM1, a pain gene, from the 122 participants and then check how they reacted in different scenarios. Their research also showed that different people have different levels of sensitivity towards social rejection.
We may use it as a metaphor that being rejected by a loved one is like being penetrated with a knife but in fact, the anguish of rejection can be just as painful.
Dr Geoff MacDonald, who is the head of the research team, concluded that it is not a coincidence that different people around the World use different physical metaphors to describe the pain of social rejection.
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